Saturday, September 24, 2011

Welcome Zayden Lee

I would like to introduce to you my new great nephew, Zayden Lee.

Mom and baby are doing great! Daddy too. {hehe}

This past week, Whitney called me just to chat. She had not been feeling all that great. Morning sickness was coming back and I knew what she was talking about because I went through it with both of my children. I think I received a month break before the acid reflux and nausea came back. Bless her heart, I felt so bad. At the same time, I reassured her that this was good because it wouldn't be long. Her initial due date wasn't until October 4th or 6th, I believe. So we all thought she still had some time before thinking that the baby was ready to come into this world.

Thursday night, Peggy and I were out doing a little shopping and we were talking about Whitney and the baby. I told Peggy that Friday was Whitney's birthday and how nice it would be if the baby decided to come on her special day. Well yesterday, I received a phone call from Maryann saying that Whitney had been having some pretty bad pains and was on her way to the hospital to get checked out. Not knowing if the baby would come that day or it he would wait until the next, I kept in touch with Maryann. Once I knew for sure he was going to arrive sometime last night, I grabbed a ride with Natalie and away we went to the hospital.
Look at all that hair.

Thankfully, we were not at the hospital before Whitney received her shot to relieve the pain. Shew! Everyone said it was rough. While we were all waiting in the waiting area, Kevin came by and said that he heard the baby crying. That's all it took. We ALL got up and headed for their door, wanting to hear the same precious cries that Kevin, "new paw-paw," did. He had just came into this world a few minutes before we got there, around 7:35PM.
Ryan and Sarah had just gotten off work, to come and see the new family member born.  At least Ryan didn't have far to go after getting off of his shift, being his residency is at the same hospital.  LOL!  It was funny seeing him in all his scrubs and little hat walking down the hallway from the hospital.  It's hard to imagine that little Ry-Ry and Natalie are now aunt and uncle. I feel old!

Happy Birthday Whitney and Happy Birthday Zayden!  She couldn't have received a better gift than this precious little boy.   I think you'll agree, he is a bundle of sheer joy and happiness.
Such a sweetheart
He was so alert.  Maybe it was all the noise and lights flashing, but I think he just wanted to meet all of his family and join in on all the fun.

Of course, Kevin, Maryann, Wayne and Robin are very proud first time grandparents.
Proud New Grandmas
Proud New Parents

I'm so happy for Zayne and Whitney, starting their own little family. We wish them all the happiness.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Perfect 24+ Hour Holiday

Last week Doug asked me out of the blue, if I would like to go off with him Friday afternoon. Sure, where? Every now and then, Ross Bridge Resort have special offers on their rooms. Now, coming from a photo enthusiast, the Ross Bridge community is like walking into a fairytale. I've been wanting to just take pictures of this quaint little village. So, yes. My superman and I went away for the night at Ross Bridge Resort.
Ross Bridge Resort at Hoover - all photos taken by 

The room we stayed in is usually over $200 a night. With the special offer, we paid $99. Such a great deal and I think it is well worth the money. I think before I'm finished with my post tonight, you will think so as well.
Water fountain found in the front of the resort
View of the back of resort on the greens

When we first visited this community, many years ago, it seemed as if the developers were aiming for a more Danish architecture style with the very identifiable Dutch housing. I had hoped to take a few pictures of the structures. But I must tell you, this visit makes me think the developers are leaning more towards a more Italian villa. I noticed a lot of the homes were of a stone {brick or river rock} with the red awnings and umbrellas on the patios. I didn't take many photos of these homes, simply because I didn't want to intrude on someone's privacy. Besides, I wanted to capture more of the Danish architecture instead of the Greek/Italian.
Water wheel and pool area
Golfer practicing his putt
View of barn and resort
Golf Course Barn and Water Wheel from Tee #11

The resort is breathe taking. I can see now why the Region's Tradition Golf Tournament have chose Ross Bridge Resort to host in the past. Our little Diva would have flipped out if she had seen the photos that I took of the swimming pool area. Their back patio that joins the restaurant, "Brock's," was ideal. Friday night, the staff came out onto the back patio and lite the stone firepits, while their guests sipped on glasses of wine. The more braver kids were taking advantage of the crisp night to practice their waterslide techniques. People walking around the stone walks with their light jackets on, walking side by side with the loves of their lives, while holding a beverage in one hand. It was truly a perfect holiday.
From terrace looking down onto swimming pool area
Roses planted around the golf tee markers
View of putting green from our balcony
View of lake
View of lake - Tee #11 (I think)
Driving Range
Market Day at Ross Bridge
So Beautiful!
Our room was absolutely beautiful! It's no secret, I prefer to take showers in the morning instead of baths. There's nothing wrong with baths, I just like showers - in and out. My superman, once again delivered when he announced that I had my shower separate from the bath tub. YAY! If we were not current dressed for dinner, I would have loved to crawl right in bed. I have a confession. We don't have a pillow top on our mattress. I've never really slept on a pillow top mattress like the one we slept on that night and I'm finding a new great love for them. {happy, happy} On top of the pillow top mattress, we had a down comforter. I like down, if it is a really cold night. Down comforters really do not fit our life style because we get too hot. That night, poor Doug was not getting along with the pillow top mattress and we both woke up in the middle of the night, sweating. I know . . . gross. Doug finally turned the air down to 65 degrees. LOL! I loved the bed with all the pillows. Our room's balcony overlooked the putting green. So pretty!
Superman posing inside our beautiful room. Just look at that bed . . . Heaven! I suppose I'm easy to please, but I had the best night. Snuggled down on top of my millions of  pillows and pillow top mattress with superman laying beside me, while we watched re-runs of "Frazier" on the television, eating Lindt chocolate truffles. Sheer HEAVEN!

For dinner that night, we cruised over into The Summit and had a wonderful Mongolian Beef with LoMein noodles and Chicken Fried Rice at one of our favorite restaurants, P.F. Chang's. I couldn't believe how fast we were serviced.  Of all places, I ran into one of my new friends, Connie.  She was there with her husband and a few friends.  I didn't recognize her at first, but thankfully she said to me that she knew me and then I just knew it was her.  I told her about our little holiday and she said that she would be telling her hubby. 

We actually had enough time to do a little shopping before going back to our room.  YAY!  Susan told me about a shop I had to visit, while I was there.  Have you ever heard of "The Christmas Shoppe"?  It was laid out like a "Linen's 'n Things," but they had a lot of nice odds and ends.  I loved the Autumn and Halloween section, y'all I'm just itching with Fall Fever.  Of course, I had to go to one of my favorite shops, "World Market."  I just love that place especially closer to the holidays.  So much fun!  I picked up a few Christmas gifts. {Shhh!} 

The next day, we started our sunshining morning with breakfast at the hotel restaurant, "Brock's."  It's a little costy, but good.  They will cook you just about anything you want and the staff was so cheerful.  The food was good and the waitress gave us a sample of their new watermelon juice.  Doug and I just looked at one another.  The juice tastes just like someone cut up a watermelon and poured the juice from the melon right into our glass.  Doug had a chuckle out of that one.  After a nourishing breakfast, I grabbed my camera and got into my element.  Do you like my photos?  This is my favorite past time hobby.  We did a little more shopping since we had more time before heading home to watch the game. It was so great!  Thank You Honey!
If you think that you would like to visit Ross Bridge Resort and the surrounded area, CLICK HERE!  I'll tell you a secret.  (Come closer)  If you "Like" Ross Bridge Resort and Spa on Facebook, you too might be able to stay at this lush resort for the same price that we did.  When they run the special, they'll post it on Facebook and that's how we knew about the special deal. 

Happy Dreams!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Yard Sale Frenzy

Last Friday and Saturday was the 10 mile yard sale located in the Gold Ridge area. Yes ladies, I said "10 miles". This is one serious yard sale. It had something for everyone. I had the pleasure of participating with a few of my family members. So much fun! Doug and I took over two truck loads full of stuff (clothing, toys, furniture, other odds and ends). I thought I had everything priced reasonable and guess that's why I came home Saturday afternoon with only two plastic containers. Yay! I was so pleased. We had six families pull all of our items together and filled up poor Kim Ann's front yard and garage. We tried to organize as best that we could. Kellie had a brilliant idea of putting out ice cold drinks for $.50 each. They went fast. She didn't bring a whole lot of stuff to sell, but she made her money by selling drinks. I know the people up the street had their nice lemonade stand, selling drinks for $1.00. Word travelled fast and it wasn't long before people were headed our way. I had 2 1/2 large tables filled with boys and girls every day clothes. I'm talking about mounded. When it was over I had about 20 pieces of clothing left, if that. I had Doug a table by himself with all of his brand new pants, shirts and coats. Everything was gone, except for one nice golf button up polo.

Maureen and Kim Ann kept laughing at me using my salesman technique on people. I love it when parents would bring their children with them. I love to play on the hearts of children. Especially if they have mama and daddy tied right around their finger. TEHE! I would try to size people up as they were walking up the driveway. We sold a few things that way. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. {darn}

We all got to Kim Ann's by 5am and worked until 7pm Friday night. Saturday morning, I got there at 7am because June and Kim Ann told me to sleep in. I wished I had followed my instinct because by the time I got to Kim Ann's street, it was major chaos. I couldn't get in and no one could get out. Vehicles were parked on both sides of the road, causing the traffic to go to a single lane. When I finally got there, a few of the shoppers were telling us how they witnessed a police officer writing tickets. Oh me, crazy! By Sunday morning, I was talking with one of the ladies that was at the yard sale. I asked her if she knew anything about it. She told me that she witnessed the whole thing. An older lady was mad because someone parked in her driveway and she was ranting and raving about it. She had her vehicle parked vertically in her driveway, but people apparently parked next to her. The church lady seemed to think the cop was writing a ticket just to pacify the irate woman. There were several homeowners that had ropes or vehicles blocking their driveways and/or front lawns, if they didn't want anyone to park. I'm telling you people could have made some extra money, if they charged shopper to park in their driveways and/or yards.
Here is just a glimpse of the chaos from our front yard.

I never had the opportunity to do a little shopping this year.  Fortunately for me, this community has this yard sale every year.  I may not be participating in next year's sale, but I'm definitely going to be there.  Mark you calendars ladies. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Day of Remembrance and Reflection

After church today, I noticed one of our parks had all of the small flags covering the ground.  They were accompanied by two tall stacks of pallets with American flags drapped over them.  So touching for me.  I had to take pictures of this.  I hope you can appreciate them as much as I have . . .  remember and reflect.

Below is a link for poems and songs in tribute to September 11th. 

9-11 Memorial Poems



Thursday, September 8, 2011

We are Mighty Women . . . Hear Us Roar!

Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.
If you give her love juice, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So, if you give her any lip, be ready to receive a ton of crap.

Women are angels. And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . usually on a broomstick. We are flexible like that.

I received this funny from my sister.  All I can add is AMEN! {kackling, kackling}

Wednesday, September 7, 2011