Thursday, December 3, 2009

Prayer Request

I was so busy trying to catch up with the latest news that it slipped my mind. Sorry! I have a special prayer request for a family member. My little cousin, Tanner, was diagnosed with juvenile cancer several years ago. He had been in remission since. He is 15 years old now and while undergoing a routine checkup for his cancer, he expected the doctor to continue to tell him that there are no signs of cancer. Instead, he received very sad news, his cancer has returned.

My uncle Bob, Tanner's grandfather, told my mom that Tanner was immediately admitted to the hospital. The doctor informed him and his family that he would have to undergo two full years of chemotherapy. Having seen Tanner suffer with the treatment in the past, uncle Bob is so beside himself and upset. It's one thing when you are in pain, but it's quite another when you have to sit by and watch your child suffer such great pain. I can't even begin to imagine what Nancy & Randy, Tanner's parents, might be going through. Bob told my mom that Nancy got right on the phone, after receiving the news, and called St. Jude's Hospital. She told them everything the doctor told her about Tanner's condition. The person she spoke to from St. Jude's said that the current hospital, Tanner is going to, is doing everything correct and there would be no since in moving him to their facility. He is one sick little boy or young man. I know the family and Tanner would appreciate your prayers. Thank you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will keep Tanner, Nancy & Randy, Bob & Nell in our prayers. I was so sorry to read this news, my heart just breaks for all of them. Love, Sandy