I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised going into my first meeting. Our leader, Courtney, is awesome! She is a lady after my own heart, very organized and bringing old news up to speed with the newbies like myself. It was very informative and love how school administration is encouraged to attend as well, if possible. Our principal was present for most of the meeting and addressed the school's needs for us to come up with solutions for this school year. This group of amazing parents came up with enough funds to purchase every teacher in the school their own iPad this past Spring/Summer. Our next step is to raise money to purchase the cables that will attach the iPads to their classroom Smart boards. Another great teaching tool. Principal D has also requested that PTA help raise funds for a new and safer recess playground. Katie loves the P.E. playground, but the playground that they play on at recess is pretty sad. The group has come up with a couple of ideas that I believe will be a good start.
As you know we had our school book fair for the first time at Books-a-million. It was a great success for both the school and the book store. We being the first school to hold their book fair at BAM, the manager was very impressed at the success. He told Courtney that it was the most revenue in one day. Because the book fair went from 3-6PM, approximately 112 students attended. The numbers are not in yet as to how much money the school received from the fair. I think there would have been more students, if it wasn't so sloppy outside. The BAM store manager is excited for possible future book fairs with us and will encourage other area schools to do the same. Personally, I enjoyed it because you are not limited like you would at the school. The children were occupied with other friends and listening to stories.
We have a very fun filled school year ahead of us. We are planning 3 different Spirit Nights with Chick-Fil-A this year. A PJ Day for the students, which the children LOVE! Our festival night will be like a carnival at the school for kids. Parents buy the tickets for the students and their siblings. The children will go from classroom to classroom, playing games and winning prizes. Sounds like a lot of fun. Right now, we are getting ready for the students to sell "Mixed Bag Designs."
Aren't these bags cute? They are made from partially recycled polywoven plastic. I've seen totes like these around. They look like they've been made from decorative duc tape. LOL! At the meeting, one mom brought her Mixed Bag Design tote and she swears by it. She said her son spilled his apple juice inside it. All she had to do was just wipe it clean. Most totes/purses are ruined after having juice spilled inside it. I skimmed through the catalog online and they have a lot more to offer than totes. You'll have to check it out CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE. Teachers will be passing out the order form and catalogs to students next week. The orders will be collected by October 12th.
Attention relatives: if you would like to take the opportunity to order something from this company, let me know. Thanks ;)
Oh and I'm so excited that we will be doing the "Display My Art" again this year! Last year was the first time our school system got involved in this company. Do you remember THIS ARTWORK from Katie last Spring? I just LOVE my Zebra on our refrigerator. I can't help but smile every time I see it and think of my baby girl. This year, their art teacher will be helping the students create self portraits of themselves. Hopefully, these order forms will be ready to pass out to the students by next week as well. We want to get the orders sent back to the company in enough time for the parents to have their order by Christmas. I and another parent couldn't speak more fondly about this idea and our experiences last year. For more information about this fundraiser, CLICK HERE.
Thanks for reading me ramble on about our awesome PTA group and I'm excited to get started. I encourage you that if you haven't joined your child's PTA yet, check it out. Maybe you'll be as pleasantly surprised as I was. :)
Planning the Weekend
I'm so glad you can't see my dining room right now. Keep in mind, I've been going pretty much all week. I have BOXES on the dining room table and stacked in the floor by my microwave. They are boxes filled with toys. I finally found a break between jobs to bring boxes of toys that I've had in storage into the house to go through them. You would have thought that Christmas came to my kids. We've got our huge stack of "To Sell." Katie wanted to switch out toys for awhile, which means she wants to play with her Polly the Pocket roller coaster and accessories. Now, I've got to find time to put the roller coaster together and if I can remember how to put it together. Haha! When we finished going through all the toys, I went ahead and put price tags on all of them. Katie is so hoping to get $100 for all of her toys, so she can purchase the AG Caroline. Ugh! I told her that she needs to save her money. Lord willing and Doug's help, I hope to put all of these boxes back out in storage and ready for "The Yard Sale" of the year. More information will come later.
I'm also slowly putting all the Spring/Summer home decorations in one place, so it will make it easier to pack up. Katie and I are excited to begin decorating for Autumn and Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, we are hoping to sneak out one day this weekend. The Children's Place have their full sequin skirts on sale and I have TCP bucks that I've got to use up before Sunday. I really hope our TCP have the skirts in stock for her size. Wish me luck!
My great nephew will be celebrating his first birthday this weekend. Whitney is having a little family party at her house. She is throwing him a Mickey Mouse party. You just don't know, Zayden LOVES Mickey Mouse and it's theme song "Hot Dog, Hot Dog." If he hears the song playing, he will stop doing whatever he is doing and begins looking for Mickey Mouse. He is such a sweetheart.
Hope you have a beautiful weekend and . . .