Saturday, December 22, 2007

Prayers for Mom!


Mom got in really bad shape Thursday morning. I visited Mom last Tuesday and she looked good. She was up sitting in a chair with her hair fixed, dressed up and had makeup on. While I was there, she would get up every once and a while and walk around the house. I thought she was doing good. She didn't think she would need her pain pill at noon, so she skipped it. By 3:00 that evening, she was beginning to have some pain in her leg. She took the pill, but it took some time before taking affect. She was in some pretty bad pain. She was looking pretty tired and in pain, so I thought it would be good to leave and let her rest. I checked on her Wednesday and she was still having a bad day. By Thursday morning around 8:30 - 9:00, Sandy called me all upset about Mom. She said that she just got through talking to Dad and she could hear Mom moaning and crying in the background. Dad told Sandy that Mom couldn't get out of bed because of her leg pain. As soon as I hung up from Sandy, I called over there and sure enough Mom was experiencing pain in the same leg. Sherry didn't want me to come over right then. Instead, I got ready and made plans for Katie. Sherry called a little later, worried about Mom. She didn't think she should be going through this kind of pain after having back surgery. Something was going on, but what? Peggy and Millard picked up Katiebug and took her home with them, while I headed over to Mom and Dad's house. I called all the sisters to let them know what was going on. Mom was in pretty bad shape by the time I got there. Around 11:30, Sherry and I tried calling her doctors to let them know what was going on with her. Unfortunately, the receptionist said no one would be in the office until after 1:30. Ugh! Dr. Wilson's nurse called me back after leaving a message on her phone. We told her our concern about a possible blood clot in Mom's leg. She suggested we get her to the hospital to get an X-ray of her legs and make sure he didn't have a blood clot. We had a terrible time getting her out of the house and down to the car, in order to get her to the hospital. She was in extreme pain from the time we left the house until the ER nurse put meds in her. You feel so helpless when you see your loved one in so much pain. The ER performed an ultrasound of both of her legs, to make sure she didn't have blood clots. She was also wheeled down to MRI, to check her back. The good news was she didn't have blood clots. The bad news was another piece of disk fragment from her ruptured disk broke away and was pressing up against another nerve. We couldn't get over it. A Neurosurgeon explained, after Mom was admitted, that it wasn't anything she did. He said, she could have coughed and the piece of disk might have come loose. Dr. Harsh, Neurosurgeon, wanted her to be able to go home because she had a baby aspirin the day before and would not be able to have surgery on Friday. He was afraid there would be a high risk of bleeding. In the ER, we got Mom already to take home. The release forms were being filled out, we had prescription meds to last the whole weekend. Mom wanted to go to the bathroom before leaving the hospital. Oh my gosh! To watch what happened to her just so she could go to the bathroom was awful. Mom couldn't move that leg and it took four or five nurses to assist her to sit on a fracture bed pan. She was in so much pain. A lot of things started running through my head. Beings that Mom and Dad have steps that lead up to their house door, how could we get her in and out of the house? How can we get her to go to the bathroom? If you even touch her bad leg, she starts crying. Since she won't have surgery until Monday, we felt it would be better for her if she stayed in the hospital all weekend. I know there are risks because the ER doctor warned us, but we knew we couldn't give her the consist care (drugs & bathroom assistance) like she would get at the hospital. The first night she was admitted into the hospital, we went back home to get a couple hours of rest and head back to meet with the surgeon. I think because we didn't get much sleep, our nerves were out like barbwire. Dad told us, he would be staying with Mom that night, Friday. Around 1:30, Sherry and I eased out so we wouldn't get caught in traffic coming home. Dad said Mom got some rest last night, but still has pain whenever the techs or nurses touch her bad leg. Maryann is staying with her tonight. She told me that the doctor has prescribed Mom some Oxycotin every 12 hours and Moraphine, when needed. The doctors are afraid fluid might develop in her lungs, so they want her to do breathing treatments. They tried to get her to sit up in bed and move her legs a little for circulation. Since she can't sit up and much less move her leg, they've decided to give her shots in her stomach that contains a blood thinner. Tomorrow, Sherry, Nat and myself plan to visit Mom at the hospital. Like I said, Mom's surgery is Monday, Christmas Eve. Of course, our Christmas Eve party has been temporarily postponed. We are hoping and praying she might be able to come home on Christmas Day. I ask you to please keep her in your prayers. Thank You!

I received a message from CPSC, "Solider Bear" toy brandname has recalled a few toys. If your interested in this recall, please check out this notice: Please keep in mind that I don't list all recalls on my blog. If your interested in any possible recalls, please check out CPSC's website.

Doug went by the Movie Gallery and rented "Stardust" for me. Yeah, I might be a little twisted, but I thought this movie was pretty good. I must warn you that this movie is one of these that you have to stay with it in order to know what's going on. You can't go for a snack or potty break while the movie is playing or you'll loose your spot. There is no nudity, but it suggests. However, there is some violence in this movie. Doug said that he started to get "Rush Hour 3," but decided against it since we've already seen it at the movies. Oh, I couldn't believe he didn't get it. I have to say, out of all the "Rush Hour" movies I've seen, this one is the best. I laughed from the time it started to the time it ended. Of course, this movie is adult content, but it is so funny! It is a must see.

Moms - if you don't already know, Gymboree is having a great sale going on right now that's up to 60% off the original price. You'll have to check out their website, if you're interested.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

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