Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Love Letter ~

A Love Letter To My Heavenly Father ~

You gave me life and planned a beautiful path for me before I was even conceived.  Your craftsmanship sculpted me ever so gently to your perfection with just the sound of your voice.  You made me with a purpose in mind.  You knew me before I was born.  You hold my hand and help me through the most difficult times.  You give me your shoulder to cry on, when I've been hurt.  You encourage me to do what is right and pick me up when I've done wrong.  You are my guiding light and everlasting hope.  When the world makes no sense, you clear the fog for me to see.  Your love and grace protects me from evil.  You allow tests and trials to come my way, to make me strong.  Why?  Because I know there is something very powerful trying to hurt me.  My flaws keep me from being with you, but hope and your love keeps me marching on.  I know in my heart that I will be with you FOREVER and what a JOYOUS day that will be.  You've never had me sign a contract and there are no strings, in order to receive your LOVE.  You are the TRUTH and the LIFE, the BEGIN and the END.  Where you go, I will go LORD.  My heart beats uncontrollably when I hear your name.  The Holy Spirit inside of me LIGHTS up when I read your WORD.  When someone says something negative about you and your WORD, I want to be defensive.  When I loose my temper, I ask for your forgiveness.  I thank you every day for picking me up out of the gully of sin, washing me clean with your grace, dressing me with your patience and understanding and leading me out in the world with only your WORD.  Lord, thank you for giving me hope for a better tomorrow.

~ Your Loving Servant, Mirya   


I absolutely LOVE The Piano Guys! Below is their new video of Taylor Swift's "Begin Again." If you are having a stressful day, I encourage you to grab some chocolate, get something to drink, turn down the shades, light your favorite scented candle, play this video and turn up the volume. Ahh! Sheer delight!


You will have to stay tuned to see photos of Katie's Valentine party. Mrs. M left me in charge of the party. It was very simple because we have the greatest group of parents. They always step up to the plate when they are needed. I actually hated to turn some away because we will have plenty of the food and supplies. AWESOME!!! I think the kids are going to have a wonderful time.

Because Doug and I won't be seeing each other this morning, we decided to swap our Valentines last night. The kids couldn't understand why we exchanged our gifts then and they couldn't have theirs until this morning. I had to explain to Katie that it's because daddy and I wouldn't be seeing each other this morning. "Oh." That's all it took for her to understand. Doug mentioned a few days ago, how he wanted the new 007 movie "Skyfall." Yes, we are big James Bond fans from back in the 70s. I grew up with 007, so it was instilled me from my family. I picked up the Bluray for Doug. Hopefully, we'll get to watch it this weekend. I've needed a new Bama t-shirt. I got to noticing that mine are looking a little worn. Doug picked me up a new t-shirt. I love it! I have to tell you the story of the t-shirt. Yesterday, I did my usual routine. I got up, put my clothes on, opened up Katie's door, turned on the lights, took her covers off of her and told her to get up. I know that sounds harsh, but we could be in the middle of a tornado and the child will not wake up. I have pulled her out of bed and put her clothes on for her and she would still be asleep. I don't understand it. Anyway, when Katie did get out of bed, I noticed she was fooling with something under her bed. "What are you doing?" I asked her. She pulled out a bag and said that her daddy told her that it was her prize for today. What? I had no idea what was going on. I asked her what it was. She pulled out a t-shirt. I asked her again. "Daddy said that was for you?" "Yeah" she said. Okay. I told her to pull it out and let's see it. I noticed it was a Bama shirt. "Oh, daddy got you a Bama shirt. How nice." She said that it looked too big. I couldn't get a good look, so I asked her to give it to me. Yeah, it was way too big for her. I noticed the tag was a Large. That's when it dawned on me what was going on. "Uh, oh." Just then, I saw her looking at the card inside the bag. It had "MOM" written on the front. Whoops! I told her that I think this was suppose to be mine, instead of her. Bless her heart. She felt bad. She started telling me that she was so so sorry. I assured her that it was alright. I told her that we would put it back in the bag and no one will know. Well, I forgot to put it back underneath the bed. We were a little rushed. Yesterday afternoon, Doug told Katie and Colton that he needed them back in her bedroom. It dawned on me what he was going to do. I told him, "I don't think what your looking for is in there." His face fell. Oops! I showed him the bag and told him the story. We got a nice chuckle out of it. Then, he takes the kids to the back room to sign the card. It was sweet! Valentine's Day runs into ballet practice, so we will have to celebrate this weekend as well. After ballet, I plan on picking up some Italian food. Doug's parents are coming over and will have supper together, while we visit.

I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!


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