Monday, February 8, 2010

Roses are Red . . . Violets are Blue . . .

Katie had fun making out her Valentines tonight for her friends.

Flipping through one of my favorite magazines, "Better Homes and Gardens," it had tons of ways to brighten your Valentine's day. I liked the idea of making a Valentine card out of cupcake paper, construction paper and foam sheets. I asked Katie, if she would like to make a special card for Mrs. Katie. She liked the idea, so after I dropped her off at school, Colton and I ran into Walmart to get the supplies. My original idea was to cut out a picture of Katie and glue it inside the cupcake paper, but I liked the design some much that I left it alone. On the inside of the card, I wrote:
"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I'm so glad my name's Katie too." I have to give kudos to Doug for coming up with the rhyme. I gave a sheet of Valentine stickers for Katie to go wild with. She stuck them all (15 count I believe) on the inside of the card. LOL! She loves her stickers. I thought it turned out pretty cute.

In the monthly school newsletter, it stated that each child should have a Valentine box made and they suggested a Kleenex box. Not doing this before, I thought this was an excellent idea and it wasn't difficult at all to make. Katie loves her Valentine's box, she just doesn't understand what it's purpose. She keeps asking me, "what's this for?"

This week is "Candy Gram" week. All the children (parents) can buy candy grams for other children, the parents' child or siblings for $1 each. At the end of the day, you receive the candy. Here are Katie's first candy grams, she received this year. I think Mrs. Katie got one a little mixed up on Lily's.

Colton eats his first cheese puff and he LOVES THEM!

I have a feeling, Colton is ready for the stages. He doesn't like baby food as much any more. It just really depends, if he will be in the mood to eat it or not. We've given him some normal human food like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, etc. and he does real good with it. He did real good with the cheese puffs. I think ate about 5 or 6 without choking. I'm going to test him on the stages (finger foods) and see how he does, while he still has baby food in the cabinet.


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