Monday, April 30, 2007
SINUS SEASON - You've Gotta Love It!
We really didn't do anything special this weekend. Millard got a new computer, so Doug was able to help him install his programs and other software for him. Meanwhile, Peggy, Katie and myself enjoyed a nice visit. I was telling Peggy about Katie's birthday party and gift ideas. I told her how I've been looking at getting Katie a tricycle, but didn't know if she could ride one right now. Well, Millard went out to their shed and got Doug's old tricycle, refurbished, to see if Katie could ride it. It was a little big, but I think the one, I was looking at, at WalMart would be a perfect size for her.
Sunday, Katie got to move up a class in Sunday School. Her regular class for one year olds was getting rather large and the room is small. Our Children's Minister and friend asked me if Katie would be alright moving up a class even though she's not two years old yet. I thought it was a good idea and she could use the challenge. I'm hoping it will help her with her speech and social skills. She says her words good, but sometimes she brings back the baby talk "jabber." I try not to force her to use her words, but I do remind her to do so. She can do it, I've heard her. So, I'm hoping this move will help bring it out. The two year old class is pretty big, but the room is a little bigger than the one year olds. Plus, she will be introduced to the inside playground and from what I understand, she does real well with it. I was so proud of her Sunday. I took her to her class and she went right in without any crying and carrying on. She acted as if she knew what she was doing. I knew the ladies who were taking care of her and they went on and on about how well she did. They thought it was so cute how she talked to herself on the way back from the playground. When I picked her up, she was looking at a book with another little girl I know. The little girl's name is Rowe. Isn't that an unusual name, but catchy.
I guess our rest this past weekend was to get us ready for the next few weeks. Wow! We have a very busy month ahead of us. This week, I have to get ready for Decoration Day (baskets, flowers & food). Friday, Natalie has her Confirmation at church, Sunday is decoration for both churches Doug and I grew up in. The next week, we have to get ready for our trip down South. Ryan graduates college! Woo Hoo! Congratulations Ry - You finally did it! Of course, there's Mother's Day, Doug, Jon, Alise & Peggy's Birthdays. Oh, get this - I'm going to try and make my 15th year Class Reunion. Am I crazy or what? We can't stay long, thank goodness, because we're going to try and take Peggy out for her Birthday Supper that night. What a busy month? Bear with me, if you don't see many blogs from me. But just think of the pictures we'll have to post for everyone to see.
I have this idea for decorating the graves for Decoration Day. A couple of years ago, this lady brought in a square basket with a handle to put on a grave. The neat thing about it is inside the basket she had an assortment of annuals, still in their cartons. You couldn't see the cartons or dirt because she placed Spanish moss on top of the cartons. She put a pretty bow on one side of the handle. It was so pretty how it was arranged. I didn't get to do it last year, but I'm trying my best to do it this year for both churches. After visiting the churches, we are planning to go back to Millard & Peggy's (with the rest of the family) for lunch. I'm going to try this new recipe I came across, yes I know it can be dangerous, but it sounds real good. It's called a Chocolate Cherry Pie. It has chocolate pudding, cherry pie filling & cool whip mixed together and poured into a chocolate pie crust with some more pie filling on top for garnishing. If you like cherries and chocolate - Doesn't that sound good? Yummy! For me, anything with chocolate in it has got to be good. I'm even training Katie right, she loves chocolate and she can say it so plain. During Easter, I spoiled her with Cadbury's Chocolate Eggs - her favorite, just like me! Now, she requests "chocolate eggs" all the time. I tell her we're all out of chocolate eggs and I give her Hershey Kisses instead and she seems to be okay with it. One day, I confused chocolate eggs with scrambled eggs. Every morning, I ask her what she wants to eat (so she'll eat) and one morning she asked for "eggs." Well, I thought she was talking about scrambled eggs (with ketchup). She looked at me so funny when I gave her scrambled eggs and said, "no Mommy, no." "Eggs!" she said. I asked her if she wanted chocolate eggs. "Uh, huh," she said. After that day, it's been "chocolate eggs."
As far as the birthday, I haven't ruled out any possibilities especially a Jungle Party. I've told you how Katie is fascinated with Lions, well check this out: . I tried to paste just the picture of the Lion prop, but there must be a protection on it, so you'll have to go to the website. Sorry! I will have to say, this might be better for older birthday parties. Oriental Trading sells jungle animal inflatables for nearly nothing, but I have to remember she will be the only child at this party. Bless her heart! The cousins close to her age don't live close by here. Sometimes I feel bad and think that maybe it's time for us to try for another baby, but then Katie and I have our bad days and I think "Thank you Dear Lord" for reminding me to wait a little longer.
Take care & hopefully it won't be so long before the next time I blog. You know me - lengthy blogs. Sorry!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Lion Silly Sac
I purchased this Silly Sac through eBay. Isn't it adorable?!? As you can tell from the photo, Katie loves her Lion bag. These pictures were taken right after she got up from her nap, so she looks a little rough. As soon as she saw it, she wanted to try it on. I didn't know when the next time I would have a photo op, so I thought this would be the best time. She has been on a big "The Lion King" movie kick. All weekend and yesterday, we've watched "The Lion King." Of course, right after that movie she wanted to watch "Madagascar" and "The Wizard of Oz." I can't figure out the connection between her and lions. I've thought a few times, maybe we should throw her a Lion Birthday Party. I even found a recipe and decorating tips in order to make a Lion Cake from Martha Stewart's website. Check it out: . I wished I had the time and patience to make this cake for Katie. I've thought about taking it to Wal-Mart and see if they could make it, but I still like the cupcake idea.
Doug and I weighed her last night because we were afraid she had lost weight. She weighs a little over 22 lbs., which was a lot better than what we first thought. Last month, she weighed a little over 21 lbs., so I guess she is still on the right track. She just worries me at times when she doesn't want to eat. Don't forget she has a picky appetite to begin with.
I've entered another photo through It will be up for vote tomorrow. Late last night, I found another photo contest link The What struck my interest was the winner could have a chance to win a $25,000 college tuition for your child. I didn't notice any strings until after I uploaded 4 photos of Katie. Right before you click on the button that says "Upload for Contest," something caught my eye. In fine print, you have to pay $19.95 to enter in the contest. I knew it was too good to be true. Here's the link, if you are still interested: Yeah, it doesn't say anything about a cost to enter into the contest, but it will as soon as you upload your photos.
Maryann came by this evening for me to make her copies of Ryan's graduation picture. She wanted several wallets to mail to extended relatives. We had a good visit with her and Katie loved Aunt Maryann's earrings (dangling earrings) and shoes. She had to try on Maryann's shoes before she left. Maryann got an idea tonight as what to get Katie for her birthday - dress up stuff.
Poem of the Day
One little sin, what harm can it do?Give it free reign and soon there are two.Then sinful deeds and habits ensue—Guard well your thoughts, lest they control you. — DJD
(Poem of the Day is supplied by "Our Daily Bread.")
Take care and God Bless You!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Katie at the Park
We had a great day at the park! There are new pictures on her website, please check them out.
I just checked ClubMom and I got 5 votes for my photo, I uploaded. The Moms that voted had some really nice comments about the photo. I'm planning on turning in another photo soon.
I was beginning to worry about not receiving Katie's Lion Silly Sac, so I emailed the lady I bought it from. She was nice enough to email me right back. Bless her heart, she was in preterm labor and had to take it easy; therefore, her husband was responsible for mailing out all winning auctions. She told me I should be receiving it real soon. Well, I got it this morning by US mail. It is precious! I placed it on top of the Dining Room table while Katie was taking her nap. I've been so busy that I forgot about it. Katie noticed it right off the bat! "Lion, Mommy, lion," as she pointed to the table. She loves her lion bag. I had her try it out and took some pictures. I plan to get those pictures posted tomorrow.
It has been so dry this month. We are suppose to get some rain tomorrow and the next, but I've been watering my plants at least every other day. I got out the hose and Katie helped me water all the plants. She found some mud puddles and started splashing in them. She was having so much fun. When it was all said and done, she was muddy and wet from head to toe. She giggled and laughed. The more she giggled and laughed, the more I laughed at her. It's too bad I didn't get it on tape.
Prayer List
My friend, Leisa, is going through a very hard time. Her brick wall in the working world is all too familiar with me. She works in sales as a loan officer for a company that is all about the number instead of the person. She prefers working with the customer and meeting their needs rather than making sure she got the numbers for that month. Well, her supervisor is raging her and trying to "motivate" her into getting the numbers in for the month and not worry about what the customer wants and needs. I've worked for companies like that before and for a person who is a people pleaser, you can be quite stressed. Leisa says she feels very stressed and trapped into this job because she doesn't have a college education. She loves the work, but it's the company bringing her positive attitude down. She has applied for a different position within the same company. Please remember her in your prayers.
Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [real] reward. [The One Whom] you are actually serving [is] the Lord Christ (the Messiah). —Colossians 3:23,24
Take care and God Bless You!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Family Day Weekend
I entered one of Katie's Spring pictures into a contest on the Clubmom website. It's a website, I've been a member for awhile now. I got lots of email from them about Mommy advice and a place to publish photos. I really never pay close attention to the newsletters, but this time I decided to read it. It told of a contest that apparently if you get the most votes you'll win some scrapbook gift certificate from Shutterfly. . I don't care if I win or not, I just wanted to post Katie's picture.
Quote of the Day
Living contentedly in the present has a way of making us productive for a lifetime—for God’s glory. — Dennis Fisher
(the Quote of the Day is supplied by "Our Daily Bread")
Take care and have a wonderful Sunday!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Family Day
Doug and I were talking about when I go back to work. He's hoping I'll be able to get on in Huntsville and I agreed that I would love that. I know a few people that work there now and I would love to join their team, but I told him I'm afraid we will have to move. Huntsville is a long way from home and I've got to think about Katie now (no matter how old she'll be). I would want to keep her close by in case I need to get to her right away (men don't think about things like this). Of course, he laughed. He thinks she'll be just fine and he doesn't know where I'm coming from and probably never will. He's probably right, as soon as she starts school she won't need Mom anymore, but I want to be accessible if she did. I stressed to him that I would prefer to get a part-time job. You have to think about the future school plays/recitals, Mommy & Me lunches, class parties, other extra-curricular activities, flu season, etc. All I can do is just pray about it and I know God has got matters well at hand.
I guess we will try and take Katie to the park tomorrow. It's suppose to be another beautiful day, close to 76 degrees.
Take care and have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Calling All Sanjaya Fans!
If the checkbook cover just won't do it for you. You need some sort of reminder of his unique and awesome hair, maybe a drawing of Sanjaya will help. You have your chance to get one on auction right now!
I'm actually tempted to purchase this T-shirt -
I don't know anyone who would want this:
There are lots more (believe it or not) where this came from. Just look it up on eBay under "Sanjaya."
Bid on!
Goodbye! Uncle Bob
Katie and I are still getting over our sinus trouble, so we didn't do a thing today.
Oh, guess what we found out today? Our favorite college team is getting a new mascot. tehe! Apparently, Alabama is receiving an elephant from Barnum & Bailey's Circus and will be shown for the first time on Sept. 1st. I have to see it to believe it!
We are having a family weekend! We may end up at the park and that's all, but hey we will be together.
I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend! Take care and God Bless You!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Finally - America Got It Right!
I'm sure you know about the Virginia Tech massacre. I can't fathom how someone could possibly think that way and be so sick, mentally, to have everything planned so well. Have you seen the video that NBC got a hold of? How he could say he was dying like Jesus Christ. What? What makes me mad is this wackjob was screaming for help a long time ago and people dismissed him as being weird. He left so many signals that people would not step up and address the matter. According to one of his professors, she was extremely concerned about his way of thinking and attitude that she reported his behavior to authorities. The authorities replied saying they couldn't do anything about it. What? You know we all have to be Politically Correct that no one is to suspect someone of possibly doing such a crime. Even if they have been turning in their assignments that have been so disturbing and twisted writings. It is so sad and hopefully all institutions will take this example seriously and put a plan in place for future wackjobs on college/school campus'. Please keep the victims, victims' family and friends in your prayers. Sometimes it can be so hard to understand why this has to happen.
Guess what? I won the bid for the air blown 7' "Happy Birthday" cake. We bought this blow up for Katie's birthday. I think we got it at a very good price and it's suppose to be NIB (new in box). It will probably be a week before I get it. I'm so excited to get this blow up. Now I can breathe a lot easier. I have no idea as what theme to go with for her party. She's never been to some one's birthday party, so she doesn't know what I'm talking about when I ask her what kind of party those she want. All she says is "Uh, huh." I probably will wait a little bit and take her to Party City and let her choose between all her favorite characters as to what theme to go with. We've got the party flag, mailbox cover, dress, and outside blow up, we are doing good.
Alright, we have come to the excessive climbing stage. One day last week, I caught Katie sitting on the top of her changing table. I thought she was using her stool and other items to climb up, so I took them away from her. According to Peggy, she caught her climbing up the table without using her stool. She stopped her when she reached the second shelf. We haven't come up with a safe way to prevent her from climbing up the table. I've told Doug the only conclusion is taking the table down. The only bad thing about it is I use the table for storage as well. I have also caught her trying to climb over the baby bed. I know I said I wanted to get her in her twin bed by her second birthday, but it might be a little sooner than I thought. If you haven't seen little Katiebug in a while, she has really shot up. She is wearing 24 month pants now because the 18 months are way too short on her. They are so short, they look like they should be capri pants. The 24 month pants are a little long on her, but surprisingly they fit in the waist pretty good. Thankfully, Summer is right around the corner and she can wear her shorts and not worry about how long they are.
Okay, are there any "House" fans out there? I am a faithful "House" TV program fan. I love it! It is so funny and you never know what is going to happen next - off the wall diagnosis. Who checked out last night? The daddy was making his kids sick because his "male enhancement" cream was being transferred to his children just by him touching them. I realize this is TV, but can that really happen. Oh, my gosh! I'm sorry because this can be a very serious situation, but it is so funny. I know I'm sick and twisted.
Today, I read some interesting information from my new Better Homes & Gardens magazine regarding healthy lawns. If you already know this, go ahead and skip this section. They suggest to avoid dead lawns during the Summer to go ahead, right now, and set your mowing deck level to 2 or 3. This setting will keep your lawn from dying during drought season and will help choke out the weed problem. I knew about setting your mowing deck to 2 during the Summer for the drought problem, but I didn't know you needed to start doing that now and I definitely didn't know about the weeds. That's good to know!
If you would like to win a chance to visit Italy, go to website and register. I did! I would love to have the chance to see Italy. According to the site, if you win, you will go on a 8 day guided tour for two people through Rome, Florence & Tuscany. This tour also includes a tour through Olive Garden's Culinary Institute in Tuscany. Wow! You can sign up everyday for a better chance to win. Good Luck!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Uncle Bob's Visit
It has been so cold, we've stayed inside most of this weekend. I'm hoping to get out and about this week. Doug did get out and mow the lawn this past Friday. It's amazing how much better your yard looks when it is freshly mowed. I need to get out and weed my flowerbeds and cut Easter Eggs out of our Pear tree. I've got all the Easter Decor centralized in the house, I just need to pack it away in the box.
Dates to remember
- Parisian's is having a huge sale up to 50-70% off this week (18-22). Don't miss it!
- Bloomin' Festival - April 21 & 22
Why must I bear this pain? I cannot tell;
I only know my Lord does all things well.
And so I trust in God, my all in all,
For He will bring me through, whate’er befall. — Smith
(poem supplied by "Our Daily Bread.")
Have a great Monday and take care of yourself!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
If you haven't seen it yet, you guys have got to check out our video we have uploaded into our blog. After reading this blog, just scroll down to the next blog and click on play in order to play the video. This was our first test video. Hopefully, others will follow depending on how quickly I learn how to do this.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Take care of each other and may God Bless You today!
Hunting Easter Eggs
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Ebaying Machine!
Yes, I've admitted a while back that I have an addiction to eBay and don't want help. tehe! My nephew got the bug as well and I helped him last weekend to get a couple of video games (for his PlayStation that he didn't have yet). tehe! Sorry, Nic but that's funny! I also have this problem about being a follower. I don't mean to be, but it does happen from time to time. Alise's birthday is coming up in May. In Laura's blogs she has mentioned from to time to time what items she is looking for and what items she did get. I just can't help it, but it gets my motor running and excited about planning Katie's party. Please note, her birthday is not until the end of July. I think I've got plenty of time to plan a small family party. She's not in daycare, so she doesn't have any real friends other than her friends from church that she sees once a week. Call me crazy, but I don't think that's enough time together to consider an automatic invite to a party. I fear what goes through the parents' mind is "all she wants is a gift," which is further from the truth. Anyways, I've been looking for best buys and themes for her party. Last year, I wanted to get her a air blown Birthday Cake that says "Happy Birthday" on it, but I never got around to getting it. So, this year I'm bound and determined to get it. It's very general for Birthday parties, so I could use it every year for anyone. Believe me, it will be used a lot! Watch out Birthday People! I've been seeing these birthday cakes listed on eBay and I've got one on watch. The bid should end in the next couple of days, so I'm excited! I really hope I'll be able to get it at a decent price. Tonight I won a bid for Katie's Birthday Dress. I know, I originally planned for her to wear one of her smocked dresses. I really liked this dress! It's a sleeveless, coral, white polka dots and accented with balloons and you can place the #2. At first, I wasn't going to go over a specific amount, but Doug really liked it as well and he gave me the green light to get it. When you give me the green light, I can be dangerous even down to the very few seconds in a bid. Most of the time, I am the winner. I love DSL, plus my fast finger typing! tehe! I think she'll look so sweet in this dress! I would show you a picture, but it was taken off the eBay site. I'm going to have her pictures made from "Scrappy Frogs Photography" this year. I saw a lot of their proofs last year and really liked it, I kind of wished we had used them last year.
I want to thank Laura again for suggesting the Lion Silly Sac for Katie. She told me in an email that Alise loves hers and to be perfectly honest I had forgotten about the Silly Sacs. When I was first introduced to them by Laura a while back, I was on fire for them. The problem was I liked them all and I didn't want to spend that kind of money and Katie not like the one I purchased. So I quickly lost interest. I think I mentioned in one of my past blogs how much Katie has taken an interest to Lions. At first, I thought it was a particular movie "The Wizard of Oz." Come to find out, any time she sees a real or fake lion she goes crazy. The girl likes anything with lions in it. What can I say? In one of the independent shops in the old part of town, there is a toy store and it has a huge stuffed lion by the door that is accompanied by a huge Cheetah and Giraffe. I think they cost around $300.00 each. In fact, everything in this toy store is pretty pricey. When Katie first noticed the animals, she was scared but excited to see them (her eyes all big). It took her a couple of tries for her to pet the Lion. Oh, she loves it and hates to leave; therefore, we don't go in this toy store much. Anyways, Laura suggesting that I get Katie the Lion Silly Sac, which encouraged me to look into it further. I knew some sellers sold the Stephen Joseph products on eBay, so I thought I would check it out. What luck? All I can say is the Lord wanted Katie to have this sack. I found only one Lion Silly Sac new with tag up for auction. According to the seller, she was going out of business and she had only one Silly Sac. I think there were still 3 days left on the bid and only one bid. Afraid Katie wouldn't like it, I let her see a picture of it and her eyes lit up with this big grin on her face. "Lion, lion!" She said. I don't know if she understood what I was asking, but I asked her if she would like to have the Lion. "Uh, huh!" She said. I waited to the last day and won the bid at an incredible price. I couldn't hardly believe it and the Lion is so cute. I would show you a picture, but eBay has taken it off the site. Laura said Alise has to take her Silly Sac everywhere with her. I hope Katie will be the same way. If she's not, I won't feel so bad because we didn't spend that much on it.
Relative News
I got a note from my Great-Aunt Mary during the Easter Holidays. She sounds like she is doing good. I try to send her pictures of Katie as much as I possibly can because she lives so far away. It was so sweet, she sent me this card with birds on it because she hoped Katie would like the birds on it. I need to try to be more like my Grandma Annie and write more to my elderly relatives (aunts/uncles). I have to stop and remind myself that they don't have computers to keep in touch.
Today, I got a note from Great-Aunt Virginia. Wow! She has always been a fireball, always doing something and going somewhere. I thought at her age, she would slow down a little. Even now that she is a widow, I honestly feel she does more now than when Uncle Tom was alive. She told me, she is very active with her church and community. She said it was a lot better than sitting at home and dwindling away. I sure wished, Dad and Mom would get more involved with their church and community. It might get their mind off of a lot of stuff that they shouldn't be worrying over. For instance, we had a storm yesterday that caused our electricity to go out for A WHILE. I turned on the scanner and it sounded like the whole city was without power. As soon as I heard that I thought I would call Mom & Dad and check on them. They didn't know the rest of the city was without power, so the first thing out of Mom's mouth was "Is it a terrorist attack?" Hopefully, she was just kidding but she's been on this whole "we're under a terrorist attack," since all the dog food on the store shelves were recalled. I forbid her yesterday to watch anymore FOX news (she is a faithful watcher).
Uncle Bob's flight came in Tuesday night and is staying with Mom & Dad. I don't know how long he will be staying, I know he is excited for Saturday. Mom, Dad & He are going to a Gaither's concert Saturday, which was his main reason for coming here. He is so crazy! From what I understand, Aunt Nell is still hanging on. According to Bob, she still isn't taking care of herself and not doing what the doctors tell her to do. I talked to Mom for a little bit tonight and it sounds like they are having a good time. I haven't been able to visit with him because Katie hasn't felt too good this week. All day yesterday she ran a fever between 101-102 degree temp and very clingy to her Mommy. I don't think it's viral, but either her 2 yr old molar or sinus drainage. She has really been drooling lately and unusual chewing on her fingers and toys, which makes me think it's the teeth. The only thing that throws up the red flag is the high temps. Thankfully, she hasn't had a high temp all day, but still clingy. I couldn't hardly get anything done this afternoon with her wanting me to hold her and watch movies, which is alright every once in a while. But why did it have to be today. There was so much I had to do - wash windows, vacuum, vacuum seal her outgrown clothes and put away, wash dishes, get all Easter decor centered in one area for easy put away, dust the Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom, clean out the magazine rack and lots more. I've been trying to wash my floors for a few days now. They need it so bad! If I do anything tomorrow, I've got to get these disgusting floors washed. Anyways, we hope to visit with Uncle Bob before he leaves.
Saturday, we are suppose to go to Jon's game, but now I don't know if we'll be able to go. On the radar, it is showing a line of strong storms headed this way by Saturday. Surely, they will call off the game and not put these kids and their family at risk during these storms. Well, if we don't go to the game, I guess we will spend a peaceful day at home.
Take care and God Bless You!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Happy Easter
Easter Pageant - April 7th
Our Easter, I guess, started Saturday night with the Easter Pageant. It turned out real good, but I guess I was expecting a little more. The message was still there and the music was good, I guess I was expecting the Christmas Pageant good. I got to help out with the greeting and standing guard at the entrance doors during the blackout. Doesn't that sound important? tehe! They just didn't want anyone going in walking around while it was dark and hurting themselves. I always love to help out with church activities. We dropped Katie off with the other kids her age to play and have a good time. We have an indoor playground area (I think most of you know what I'm talking about). Anyway, the girls that were keeping the kids decided to take them to the playground. Wow! How fun! We've never taken Katie to the indoor playground, so this was a special treat for her. The girls (teenagers) told me Katie went all the way to the top (tunnel), which is like a story high. I asked them if she was scared or crying and they assured me she had a great time and waved to them when she got to the top. I couldn't believe it! Most children when they go up in that thing for the first, they realize how high they are and start to cry, wanting someone to come and get them. You can imagine how many times adults have to climb up and get them, I've done it once recently. Bless her heart, Katie tripped over a ball in the room and got a huge goose egg on her forehead. It was nice, black and blue for Easter morning. I'm sure you can see it in some of her pictures. It's still a nice size today. That night she got the goose egg, she ended up sleeping with us. I made her stay up and extra hour or two because I wanted to make sure she was okay. I gave her some Motrin and put her to bed, but she later woke up crying and I couldn't get her to seattle down. Bless her heart, when I finally got her seattled down and laying next to me, she was out so I decided to keep her there for the night.
Easter Morning
The next morning (around 7:30), I tried waking her up by telling her the Easter Bunny came that night. I've been talking up the Easter Bunny coming to our house all week and she would get so excited. Well, yesterday she couldn't care less about the Easter Bunny coming because she was sleeping and didn't want to be bothered. So, I began telling her about the prizes the bunny left that night. Her little head popped up "prizes?," she asked. "Yes," I said "prizes." Oh, she got excited and ready to go then. She grabbed her blanket and was wanting to go check out these prizes. I got her step stool for her to stand on and check out all the stuff on the table. Her eyes were big and she continued talking about all the prizes and of course she had to touch everything.
Easter Morning Church Service
We went to church with Millard and Peggy Easter morning. I didn't know how Katie would behave because she's never been to a worship service. I packed her backpack full of stuff - all her Wizard of Oz dolls, snacks, milk, blanket, & stickers. I had hoped to be prepared and if worse comes to worse there's always the back door. I was pleasantly surprised with her behavior. Sure, she was restless at times and almost out of hand with Millard and Peggy at times. As soon as she would get restless, I would pull out something from her backpack, then she would seattle down for a little bit. As soon as we got to Millard and Peggy's, Katie found the prizes on her table. She knew what to do and dug right into the gifts. Her Grandparents got her a couple of bunnies (both play music), pinwheel and candy. We left Mil and Peg's around 3:30 p.m. We left late because Katie was still sleeping and I was so hoping she would get a good nap before going to Tim & Sue's. When she doesn't have a good nap during the day, she has a meltdown guaranteed. We got to Tim & Sue's just in time for Supper. It was so cold that most of us stayed inside especially Katie Girl. She didn't like it much and she was anyones friend as long as you would take her outside. If you didn't fool with her, she was on to the next person. Katie got even more prizes at her Aunt Sue-Sue's house: more bunnies, duck, beach towel with Dora & Boots on it and more candy. All the prizes came from her Aunties, Uncles and Cousins that just can't love her enough. She had a blast! When I asked her if she was ready to go home, she said "no." The only ones left at their house was Doug, Katie and myself. I think Leslie loved it because she got Katiebug all to herself and no "June" around. tehe! Leslie is a huge Elvis fan, so she introduced Katie to Elvis.
For God So Loved The World (DaySpring Inspirational Movie)
I love these movies and I hope you will enjoy it as well.
Take care and have blessed day!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Happy Good Friday
I hope to hear everyone was able to get the day off and have a wonderful Good Friday today. Doug was able to have the day off, but not because it was a holiday. It was his regular Friday off. His cold seems to be doing better, just the occasional sinus drainage. If this weather doesn't straighten up and get back to normal, it's a wonder I haven't a serious case of sinus drainage. Now if I can remember correctly, I remember having cool Easter Sundays in the past. Have you heard of having snow the weekend of Easter? I'm typing this up at 10:32 p.m. and it's been snowing since 10 p.m. Of course, they are just flurries but still. I've been hearing for the past couple of days that the worst is yet to come. Supposedly, Sunday is going to be the coldest morning yet. I had to pull all of Katie's pants back out that I just packed away.
The top pictures are from this week. The top picture was caught while she was watching a movie. I think she was watch "Madagascar." She loves Alex the Lion on this movie. If you haven't seen it yet, you've got to see it. So funny! Doug even likes it and that's saying something. The bottom picture is Katie with her "Wizard of Oz" doll collection. Laura let me know the other day that McDonalds was putting Madame Alexander "Wizard of Oz" dolls in the Kids Meals. She knows how much Katie loves the "Oz." As soon as I told Doug this morning how we needed to go to Mickey Ds for lunch and why, he was on a mission. We hit three different McDonalds Restaurants in the County and was able to succeed. We got a total of 7 different dolls out of 8 in the collection. At the first McDonalds, we asked if we could purchase the dolls separately without purchasing a Kids Meal. "Yes," they said, so we bought two dolls from there and headed to the next one. Doug walked in this time and came out with another, but this time he got it for free. Apparently, the clerk didn't know what he was doing. I say this because Doug said the guys rung it up and it came up zero cost. Okay then, now we are on a roll. Why stop now, right? We hit the last restaurant and this time I go in. We have the Scarecrow, Wicked Witch of the East, & Tin Man. I told the clerk I would like to purchase the dolls they had available. The manager over heard and went to the back room. JACKPOT! She came out with Dorothy, Cowardly Lion, Glinda, and Munchkin. YES! I got in the car and announced to everyone in the vehicle that I was "The Mamma!" When I told Doug what I got, he couldn't hardly believe it. He had to see them all for himself. Poor Katie was so excited, she wanted to hold them all. Her and I ended up playing dolls the rest of the evening. Now, we just need to find the Wicked Witch of the West to complete the set.
Before we got out and about this morning, Doug let me know Will was at his Grandparents' house today. Here Katie and I go. I've had this Easter basket ready to give to Will for probably a month, but couldn't find the right time to give it to him. We met Will outside. He was meeting us in order to share his Smores' bar with Katie. He is so sweet. He is spending the night with his Grandparents tonight and will go to church with them in the morning. He has such a good relationship with them. However, he has a problem just like Katie does (right now). He has a bad habit wondering off from his Grandparents place. Luckily, he normally comes to our house. The past few times he has come over, he "forgets" to tell his Grandparents. I've gotten to where I'll ask him if he asked his Grandparents if he could come over. Most of the time, he mutters something and doesn't really answer the question. Mrs. Phipps is pretty good at figuring out if he is not around their place to come over to our house. Well, he did it again today. We don't mind at all him coming over and Katie loves his visits. She thinks he is so funny! They seem to have fun together. I just hate he gets himself into trouble when he doesn't ask to come over. Poor thing! Mrs. Phipps told me they have such a difficult time getting him to remember to ask permission first. Tonight, Will and his Grandma came over and gave Katie their gifts. Will got her this big fluffy bunny that plays music and Mr. & Mrs. Phipps gave her a cute stuffed duck that quacks.
Tomorrow is the Easter Pageant at church. I'm going to get there a little early and drop Katie off to play with her friends. I'm so excited! I know it will be great. What I can't wait to see is the props. Doug told me they put a brook on the stage with a bridge going over it. This I've got to see.
Motivational Quote of the Day
Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others. - Brian Tracy
Take care and have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Off to Visit the Easter Bunny!
On our way home, we stopped by Publix. I love Publix Grocery Store! They have such unique stuff (gifts and food). I wished we had one down the road from our place. They had a bunch of plants and bedding flowers outside and they had a flowering plant I've never heard of - "The Star of Bethlehem." They were small white blooms, but apparently come in a variety of colors. The sweet smelling fragrance alone sells you. I was very tempted in purchasing one, but I want to wait until this cold snap is out of here. Lord willing, next time I get back to Publix, I'll be able to get one.
I got caught up in all my blog & email readings and I noticed Laura & Wayne had a rocking storm. We had a good lightning storm our self the other day, which disturbed Katie's sleep as well. Bless her heart, I felt bad for her. She never got into bed with us, but I didn't get much sleep that night. I just thank the dear Lord above that I didn't have a job to go to the next day like Doug and Laura. As you can imagine, I didn't get much done the next day. In fact, it was a very quiet day for both Katie and myself. Laura mentioned some changes in Alise's character since she's been off the passy. Well, you are not alone! Katie has begun to bite her nails (fingers & toes). She has no preference at all, just whatever is available at that time. She's not a nervous child. I'm guessing it gives her something to do. I have been discouraging her against biting her toenails. That's just disgusting!
What's Going On With Katie These Days?
Katie is definitely into Lions. We have two movies that have lions in them - "The Wizard of Oz" and "Madagascar." When she request to watch the lion movie, I can't tell which movie she wants to watch. I've been trying to help distinguish between the two. We've got "Madagascar" that has Alex the Lion and we have "Oz" that has the witch. We're still working on that because I'll put in one movie and that's not what she wants. Plus, we've been watching "The Chronicles of Narnia" on Starz. As you may know, it has a lion. She is amazed at the lions and she gets so excited. You know, the Easter Bunny is bringing her the Cowardly Lion for Easter (good choice). The other day at Wal-Mart, I found her a hard plastic, large lion. She had a fit, she loved it. I have to watch her eating the tail though. I've been keeping my eye out for a Ty beanie baby lion. Well, I finally found one today called "Groowl." Cute! She likes her lions!
Have you seen the new "Charlotte's Web" movie with Dakota Fanning. Cute movie. Of course, it's way far different from the original cartoon version, but it's still good. At Wal-Mart, as I'm sure everywhere else, they had the packages movie and Ty baby included. I picked up the goose with the movie and I thought no I'm going to let Katie decide. In my amazement, she chose the pig. We've been teaching her to call the pig "Wilbur." You should hear her say it - so cute!
Katie's vocabulary has grown tremendously in the past couple of weeks. She talks all the time, except to those she doesn't know as well. She can't stand it if there is a conversation going on without her involved. So, she comes up with her own and I guess this is where I'm going to have to butt in and tell her Mommy's talking to so and so. She continues to test me like any toddler should. Some days are better than others, but we make it. I have to remind myself (often), she's only 20 months and not 20 years old. I just can't send her to her room when she starts with the whining. Crying, I can probably handle far better than the screaming and whining. Ugh!
Her birthday is still way far off, but I've been keeping my eyes open and my options listed. I did find a celebration flag a while back for her party. Right now, I've been looking for a 7' Gemmy Airblown Birthday Cake that says: "Happy Birthday." I've seen the Elmo, Dora, Pooh and Princess, but I'm trying to think practical. Do you know how much these things cost? $60-$90 each and that doesn't include shipping. So, if we are going to spend that kind of money, I want to be able to use it every year (no matter what she is into that year). She may not always love Elmo and etc. The cheapest one I've seen is for $60 and shipping is going to cost around $17. Yuck! I hate spending that kind of money. If any of you know where I can get one cheaper, I sure would like to know. After the holiday and things have calmed down for a while, I plan to check out "Party City." If I can find one of these for a reasonable price, the birthday party will be down hill from there.
American Idol
Doug was telling me yesterday before the final results that Sanjaya was the third competitor with the highest votes. I think if I was the competitors kicked off, I would be mad. Here they came to fulfill their life long dream of being a vocal performer. They lost sleep, their voice and all sense of sanity in hopes to make it to the next level. Here Sanjaya is (the worst singer/performer) with the THIRD highest votes and you can tell his heart's not in it.
Motivational Quote of the Day
When you put faith, hope and love together you can raise positive kids in a negative world. - Zig Ziglar
Love you all and have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Easter Egg Hunt


Saturday was the big Easter Egg Hunt at Friendship Methodist. We had a good time. The eggs! Oh, my gosh! I think every little egg hunter at heart had their fill with hunting Easter Eggs. Peggy helped Katie find the eggs, while I took pictures and Doug filmed her with the video camera. I was surprised, Katie was the only child dressed up. Peggy asked me if I brought her shorts to change into, but that was the whole point in dressing her up. There were about 4 or 5 children hunting eggs and they were all girls. After the hunt was over, we all had pizza and desserts. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of the little girls got wired from all the chocolate candy that was there at the party. That night, we all went to Sue & Tim's for a fish fry. The guys got to stay outside by the pond fishing in the cold weather, while us women stayed inside playing games and visiting. Katie just about wore me out chasing after her and trying to keep her from breaking something. Of course, she can't leave someone's house without getting a boo-boo. She calls them "poo-poos." It's funny! I haven't wanted to say anything until I had plenty of witnesses, but Katie is getting real good at counting. She will count up as far as 10. Can you believe that? At first, I thought I was just imagining things and she couldn't possibly be counting. We just started with 1,2 & 3 a couple of weeks ago. She would get up to 2 and struggled with the word 3. I didn't push it, but I've been continuing singing counting songs such as:
1, 2 I Love You; Little Indians; 5 Little Monkeys. I guess the songs work. She really likes 5 Little Monkeys. "Sing Monkeys Mommy," she'll say. I think she likes it so much because it makes her laugh at the end. When she counts sometimes she needs a little help. For instance, I have to start counting to get her started and most of the time she forgets the number 7. But hey that's okay, I just amazed how her little brain soaks up so much information.
Last night, we had a very nice supper at Kevin & Maryann's. It was our last supper with Aunt Lolli & Uncle Roger before headed home. Kevin, Maryann, and Nat got Katie a cute Elmo Easter Basket stuffed with Dora the Explorer panties (for future use). It's cute how she carries it around like a purse, putting things in it and taking things out. I've updated our website with new pictures from this past weekend. One of the pictures, I think is cute. Katie has a Mrs. Potato Head. Well, she likes to get the lips and put it in her mouth (of course - everything goes in the mouth). Anyway, she'll put them in her mouth and start giggling and then she'll want me or Daddy to wear them, which makes her giggle more. She is such a giggler! She's our little giggle monster!