Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ol' Timer's Day

Sunday, my in-laws' church planned an Ol' Timer's Day. Most everyone came to church dressed in special costumes to represent those of the old days, coming to the Lord's house. It was fun!  Diva and I did the best we could, dressing up for the occasion. I told a couple of ladies that we were representing the 60s and 70s decades. LOL!
I think the kids had a good time. One of the guys, Perry, rode up on his horse. As you may know, Flash loves horses. I was surprised how easy he was to be placed on the back of Perry's horse. The horse was very gentle with the kids.
The kids did pretty good during church. I thought a time or two that we were going to have to take Flash out because he was being so loud. It was pretty funny whenever we or the choir stopped singing, Flash would announce "we're done!"

After church, we had a very nice luncheon with the church family. It was the best food put in your mouth. Yum! Fried chicken, homemade pies, cakes, and other goodies. It was so good. No one went hungry, trust me. A few of us photographers in the making, had fun taking pictures of couples and groups to document the special occasion.

Back at the farm . . .
the kids played on the tractor, with their paw-paw right beside them. Meanwhile, this mama went pine cone hunting for future holiday decorations.


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