Monday, October 6, 2008

Jon Update

I just got off the phone with Susan. She said that the surgery went well with Jon. The doctor said that his tonsils were the size of golf balls. Susan and Jon actually looked at the holes after the operation and couldn't believe how big they were. Susan, jokingly, told Jon that he should be able to breathe now. The doctor assured Sue that today will be Jon's best day, but in the next 7 days will be rough for him. Jon's only allowed to eat soft foods for the next 10 days until the doctor dismisses him. Poor Sue, she said they were on their way home when their vehicle broke down. Luckily, they broke down very close to home and she as able to call close relatives to rescue her. Fortunately, Susan's sister-in-law, Regina, was with them. Everything worked out and she's able to laugh about it now. I know she's got to be breathing a little easier, now that the worse of it is over. Katie and I plan on visiting them in the middle of the week. I'm sure Susan would appreciate a visit. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also called Sue to check on Jon-Jon, she sounds like a load has been lifted off her shoulders. I will keep them in prayer that his recovery is quick. When you visit Jon give him a hug and Kiss from Aunt Sandy. He is such a sweet loving young man. Love, Sister Sandy