Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gettin' Stuff Done

Colton Update
He is such a little booger these days. He is definitely keeping his nickname "Flash" 'cause this child is everywhere within seconds. He absolutely wears me completely out.

It's amazing how much he catches on to what I'm saying, but won't talk. It's funny, you ask him a question and he shakes his head up and down for "yes" and side to side for "no." Tonight, I asked him if he was ready to go to bed. He looked up at me so serious (passy in mouth) and shook his head "no." He is a character. I'll have to make a video soon because it is so hard to put on paper (type) the funny things he does. He is showing more love than he has been. Of course, you had better watch out for the incoming (head butt).

I've never seen him react to other small children, his age, until today.  Allison and her baby girls came by to visit.  Oh my goodness.  I don't think Colton really knew what to do.  I think he wanted to hold "A" or hug her, but didn't know how to go about it.  He took up to Allison right off the bat.  Bless her heart, she was holding him and "A" at the same time.  Colton and A are about three months apart.  Me holding A, you could definitely tell the difference in the weight.  Colton is so much heavier than A.  She is such a petite little thing.  She reminded me a little of Katie.  Katie was such a little bitty thing until she turned 2 years old.  It seemed like over night, a light switch went on with her appetite.  We were so glad to see them again.

Cleaning Out The Storage Building
For the past couple of days, I've been one busy momma.  I'm in need of some plastic boxes to organize and store clothes and toys.  Well, I probably have more plastic boxes in stock inside my building than on Walmart's shelves.  LOL!  Unfortunately, they are all full of the clothes I tried to sell this past May.  I had hoped to get out there soon and take some of the clothes to our local charity organization.  The Summer's heat has kept me beat down to where I never got to do this job.  Recently, the humidity has been fairly decent, so I've taken the opportunity to get this task knocked out.  Shew!  For me to have sold quite a bit of girls and boys clothes this past Spring, I sure have got a whole lot of clothes still left to give away.  I was so glad to have found several coats and jackets to give to charity because I know they will need them this Winter.  I'll be so glad to get a lot of things out of the building.  There will be so much room left, it will be great. 

Fall Cookie Idea
I love Scarecrows!  I just think they are so cute and sweet.  I smile as soon as I see a sweet welcoming smiling faced scarecrow.  Katie has a life sized scarecrow named "Daisy."  She gets real sad when I have to pack her up after Thanksgiving is over.  The Celebration Shoppe has a cute scarecrow cookie pop idea for us scarecrow lovers to make this Autumn.  I think they are adorable.  Check them out.
The Celebration Shoppe got the idea from Skip To My Lou, which is another great blogger that I like to keep in touch from time to time.  Skip To My Lou got the idea from Disney's Family Fun Magazine, which is closely becoming my favorite websites ever. 

Above is the original ideal scarecrow cookie from Family Fun Magazine

Scarecrow Cookie Recipe
What You Need:
Cookies (ours were about 2 1/2 inches in diameter)

White frosting
Assorted sugar wafers (ours were about 2 1/2 inches long)
Candy corn
Mini chocolate chips
Bran cereal (we used Kellogg's All-Bran Extra Fiber)
Chocolate sprinkles

Frost the top of each cookie.

Cut a sugar wafer in half. Add a dollop of frosting to the top edge of the cookie and stick a wafer half to it for a hat top, as shown.

Place a whole sugar wafer just below the hat top for a brim. Use a little more frosting to decorate it with slices of candy corn or mini chocolate chips.

Press pieces of bran cereal hair into the frosting around the hat.

For the face, press on a candy corn nose, mini chocolate chip eyes, and a chocolate sprinkle stitched mouth.

I hope to have a chance to make a few of these this Autumn.  



The Keyes Family said...

we can help you clean out your storage! Got any size 3T or is all that long gone? Lilly is about to go into size 3t and i haven't done a bit of shopping for that size. If you find anything that looks good in that size let me know. I'll put a bid on it and pay shipping. WE can call it shopping at katie's ebay. haha
love the scarecrows by the way. I may have to make some of those for the you've been booed things for the neighbors.

Allison said...

Thanks so much! We had a great time too!
Your cookie recipes are so cute and you are so creative!