Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Scrabble & Domino Tiles as Pendants?

I guess I'm just easily amused with the creativity out in the world. I've got my babies laid down for the night and I thought I would venture over to Etsy. I like to go over there ever so often. I haven't bought anything yet, I'm waiting for that perfect moment. (tehe) I thought I would see what crafters had available for the Christmas Season. What should I discover but charms made from Scrabble & Domino Tiles. You can't even tell unless you flip the charm over onto the back side that it's made from game tiles. How creative is that? The crafter's name is "Bumblebeadzzz2007". Here are some photos from her shop. If you're interested you might want to check it out. I think they would make neat whimsical gifts for Christmas.

Notice how they easily match the Gymboree clothing line. I think they were created on purpose.

You can either string the charm through a ribbon like the above or . . .

String it through a chain like such. Pretty neat!

Now, if she would do collegiate tiles. What's so aggravating is the University of Alabama has a license on all their logos that I'm sure it would be very hard for someone like Bumblebeadzzz2007 to make charms for the fans. I would definitely get one, if I could find one like this and just as reasonable. I think I would be styling!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Leigh told me about this about a month ago. She's thinking about trying it.