How do you like Katie's Valentine pictures? Ha Ha! I was surprised how well she cooperated with me. I wanted her with her Valentine Bear, but she insisted that Mermaid get into the scene. Of course, I have to let her see every picture taken before go on to the next picture. She is wearing one of her favorite dresses. She picked this out at Belk about a month ago and I'm afraid she's going to wear it out. I never knew when it was hanging up on the hanger at the store that it would be close to being as precious on her as it does. I've noticing that she loves outfits/dresses with hearts or polka dots. She is so funny when it comes to shopping for clothes. Oh my gosh! You think teenage girls go crazy in the store, I think Katie might be a little worse. I say this because Thursday, we were able to get away from the house for a little bit and go to Belk. She saw some of the new Easter type dresses (phoo phoo) hanging up on the rack and she went nuts over them. "Oh mommy, I love them. Can I get one? Their so pretty" she said. I felt bad for her when they didn't have her size. It went from 4T to a size 5 or above. I'm not buying the 4Ts because she is so tall that I don't feel they would last very long on her. I had a hard time keeping up with her because she wanted to look at EVERYTHING. Yep, she's my daughter that is for sure. LOL!
Yesterday, I wanted to use it as a catch up day. I'm like a year behind when it comes to laundry. Isn't that sad? No matter how many times I wash ex-large loads, there's always 3 more still in the dirty clothes hamper. Ugh! I don't think I'll ever catch up. As you may know, there are nights where I'm waking up at 1:00 a.m. and having a hard time going back to sleep. There are times where I'm awake until 4:00 a.m., so it can be very frustrating. This is one of many reasons I don't care if I sleep in until 7:00 a.m. that morning or if I take an hour nap in the afternoon. However, when I got Katie to finally lay down and take a nap, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for me to close my eyes for a little while. Ha! Two hours later, Katie and I woke up and I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at the clock. My day was almost over and still had so much more I needed to get done. Oh me!
Last night, Peggy and Millard came by the house to pick up Katie. Peggy wants to get Katie a few outfits for Spring/Summer, but because Katie is so picky, she wanted to have Katie with her. When I told Katie that she was going shopping with Grandma and Paw-Paw, she was so excited that she started dancing and running around. While packing up Katie's overnight bag, she brings me all the things that she wants to take with her. It's quite funny because forget the P.J.s or other clothes, she wants her stuffed animals to sleep with, specific DVD movies to watch, her favorite Mermaid lip gloss and her Mermaid pillow. We tried to explain to her that she didn't need to take the pillow because she has a Belle pillow at Grandma's house. "But I want Mermaid," she said.
I mentioned earlier this week about our neighbor's brother passing away. While she was gone, we took care of her beta fish, Bama. She told me to just feed it once a day, so I was scared to death that the fish would die on my clock. Of course, Katie loved going over and feeding the fish every day, but the tank water was looking a little murky. I told Doug my concern, but I didn't know how to clean out this little tank. Fish are very delicate and I just knew if I tried to help out, I would end up killing the fish by accident. Plus, Katie couldn't understand why she was not allowed to pet the fish. Fortunately, Evelyn came home late Thursday night and bonus, the fish didn't die over night. Shoo! I told her that I was concerned about the water, but afraid to clean it. She said it was alright. She added that she has to clean it every other day because it can look pretty bad. The poor fish finally got to swim around in some fresh water yesterday. Evelyn told me that when and if she has to leave again, she may ask us to watch over her fish and now a couple of parakeets. What? She said she inherited her brother's birds. Oh me!
Today, while Katie is gone shopping with her grandparents, I plan to do a little more cleaning and pick up some grub from Walmart a little later. As you know, tomorrow is Super Bowl XLIII. We've decided to have a fish fry to celebrate my mother's 72nd birthday and the Super Bowl. As far as I know, everyone is going to be here. We are planning on serving fish (of course), cole slaw, hushpuppies, fries, baked beans and birthday cake.
I hope you have a great weekend and may the best team win!