Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Funny Story

Okay, I have to add this funny story. As a Southern Lady, I understand that the story, I'm about to tell you, isn't very couth; however, it's a must read.

An hour ago, Katie and I were in the floor playing with puzzles. I got a whiff of something dreadful, like a dirty diaper. Shoo, wee! I asked Katie if she poo-peed in her pull-ups. I asked her, "do I need to change you?" Without skipping a beat, she turned to me and said "no Mom! I not poo-peed in my pants. It's just grass. It's okay Mom, it's just grass comes out my bottom. That's all." I howled because I knew what she was talking about. While she was telling me this, I was checking her pull-up. Sure enough, she had just passed gas or as she calls it "grass". Doug was in his chair, he missed what she was saying and all I could do was laugh. I tried to correct her to say gas and not grass. Since she saw that I was laughing, she started laughing.

Katie, you never know what's going to come out of her mouth. She is such a ham.

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