Monday, June 11, 2007

Our New Little Addition

See our new baby! Liz sent us this new picture of her and baby boy. She looks so cute pregnant. I think she looks good compared to when I was pregnant with Katie. I was huge and swollen every where.

Aunt Sherry wrote me and hopefully they will be coming up the end of July. I wrote her back and asked them to come over for Katie's birthday party.

Katie and I went Father's Day shopping for Paw-Paw Millard. I can't tell what she got him in case he might read this, but hopefully he'll like it. While we were close by, I stopped by the shop that has the little Happy Birthday musical dolls. They had two brunettes and one blond Birthday dolls left. They did have a couple of Cinderella & one Swan Lake dolls. The Happy Birthday dolls are still my favorite. I had the clerk wrap up the brunette birthday doll. Katie was upset at me because I wouldn't let her hold the doll. Isn't that awful of me to purchase the child's birthday gift in front of her and then not let her play with it? Bad Mother! In my defense, I rarely get to go shopping without her. Next Christmas and especially next year, I will have to be more careful to not let her see her gifts. Doug is the champion when it comes to knowing everything he gets for Christmas. He is the biggest snop! Of course, it doesn't help that I can't hide things very well. He always "accidentally" finds all the presents from me.

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